Audio Tech with 633 mixer and Lectrosonics wireless mics.
Need just a production sound mixer in the Northern West virginia or Pittsburgh PA area with gear? Daniel McMullen is a sound mixer with over 30 years of experience. Our most basic field audio corporate/documentary interview kit includes a Sound Devices 633 and two wireless mics and a boom mic. Audio can be hard wired into camera or sent wireless. The rate is $1,100/day, including equipment and operator. We can add on other accessories if needed.
We have a 6-channel mixer for reality show types of productions and a list of well qualified sound recorders and mixers. If you need something different, let us know what you need specifically when you call. We will make sure your talent sounds right! Other towns within a two-hour drive for us include: -Altoona, Johnstown, Grove City, Sharon, & Erie Pennsylvania. -Akron, Youngstown, Stuebenville, Canton, and Cleveland Ohio. -Morgantown, Fairmont, Clarksburg, and Wheeling West Virginia. -Cumberland, Frederick, and Hagerstown Maryland -Buffalo and Jamestown New York |
Reality Show Package - 664 mixer and 4 Lectrosonics wireless mics.

Field Audio mixer and recorder for Homestead Rescue in Alaska 2020 Daniel McMullen
Basic Reality Package: $1,200/day
($700 operator, $500 kit)
We are set up to accommodate most reality show needs. We have a kit build around a Sound Devices 664 6 channel mixer, up to 4 SMQV transmitters, and SR receivers, plus a boom mic.
Better Reality Package: $1,400/day
($700 operator, $700/kit
Same gear as above, but includes...
6 transmitters
2 Hops
2 Lock boxes.
Additional hops and and IFBs are available. Includes smart slate if needed.
If you need a larger kit, call 304.319.1053 or email [email protected] for a quote.